Mini Carmel Apples
I just discovered this great web site called, It is packed with fun ideas for you and your kids...I only wish I would have known about it sooner!!! I can't wait to make these adorable mini carmel apple bites for an upcoming party this fall, or have my cute nieces and nephews help me make them for a fun project.

4-inch lollipop sticks
Melon baller
Granny Smith apples (one apple makes about 8 mini apples)
Butterscotch or peanut butter chips
Chopped nuts, nonpareils, sprinkles, shredded coconut (optional)
Small paper candy cups
(This was their recipe, although I think I will use melted carmel squares and Oreos.)
1. First, cut the lollipop sticks in half at an angle (the pointy end will go into the apple pieces easier). With the melon baller, scoop little balls out of the apple. Each ball should have a section of apple peel. Push half of a lollipop stick into the peel of each ball. Pat the apple pieces dry.
2. Melt the chips according to the package directions. Dip and swirl the mini apples in the melted chips, then roll the apples in nuts, sprinkles, nonpareils, or coconut, if desired. Place the mini apples in paper candy cups to set.
This is AWESOME! I love caramel apples but hate how big and awkward they are. Plus, you eat the outside and all the caramel is gone; what are you supposed to do with the rest of the huge apple! Am I right! I'm totally doing these this year! We should do them together!
What a great idea! I can never eat a whole caramel apple, and it can get quite expensive making enough apples for everyone at a party. Thanks for sharing!
DELICIOUS!!! I love!!!
This is one of my favorite sites. (As you know) This looks sooo good. I can hardly wait for someone to leave some on my doorstep.
One more thing, I would try to make them myself, but what the heck is a MELON BALLER??? :) Just kidding.
this is a great site and a great magazine! i have been wanting to make those apples too. yum!
I think I could eat about a hundred of those right now.
I used to get the magazine (by mistake) and loved it, so I'm excited to see the website - for free?
Guess what. It's two years later and I'm the hero in my town for introducing these. Thanks!
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