Salt Lake Real
We were able to go to the Salt Lake Real game on Thursday with Andy's entire family. Andy's older brother was able to hook us all up with tickets! The game was a little slow for me and in the end they tied 0-0...really exciting stuff. =) Fortunately, I had so many loved ones to talk to and hang out with that the time flew by. I really think soccer should have a shoot out in case of a tie, just to add a little more excitement to the game. Tate had a blast hanging out with all the cousins, aunts/uncles and of course, gma and gpa! He walked up and down the aisle eating everyone's ice cream or any other treats he could find.

In the middle is my new little nephew, Noah. He is just the cutest baby and makes me so excited to have another one. I think he looks so much like his daddy! All three of his older siblings are gorgeous red heads, but Noah has his daddy's beautiful color hair.
Hey Elle has a Gma and Gpa as well! Thats awesome that you call them that. I have never heard anyone else call their grandparents that.
Looks Not the game. The family! You know I'm not a sports fan, I go for the food!
I have to agree with soccer being a slow game. Things would move faster if they just made the soccer field smaller. That, and if they played music during the game like they do in musical chairs. Whenever the music paused, the ball would explode purple goo all over who kicked it last. The team with the last goo-less player wins!
I think Adhis has been watching a little too much Nickelodeon. Oh wait, you don't have that... Where ARE you getting these ideas?
Bleachers are a good place for bonding.
This head is FULL of ideas. That and something else.
You two are too funny...I don't think this is the first time you have teased eachother on my blog! =) I love ya both...and thanks for making me smile (always)!
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